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Into a Net Profit Portfolio
Opportunity Zone Consulting Services
Opportunity Funds help promote investment in developing low-income areas across the US by offering federal tax benefits to those investors who purchase property through the new Opportunity Zone program. These Opportunity zones present a new viable strategy for investing in real estate. Net Profit Advisors, LLC can find investment properties in opportunity zones by using our proprietary software to identify profitable properties for our clients.
Investors who take advantage of this strategy can defer and reduce their capital gains on the principal invested, and sometimes fully eliminate their capital gains tax burden. With our help, clients can rest assured knowing that we have identified the most profitable investment properties that will grow their portfolios and lead to larger profit margins. If you’re interested in reviewing potential investments in opportunity zones contact a member of our team at (864) 979-0122 to schedule an evaluation. Clients can also email info@netprofitadvisors.com with questions or to request more information.